Summer Trading Reboot: 3-Part Workshop

Get serious about trading this summer. Take part in our member-exclusive Summer Trading Reboot: 3-Part Workshop from August 21 – 23, and learn how to set yourself up for success and trade Futures with a clear game plan.

With the right foundations, we believe every trader can set out on a path towards success. During our special Summer Trading Reboot: 3-Part Workshop, we’ll cover some essential steps to get started:

1️⃣ Set yourself up for success – Identify common pitfalls, avoid distractions and get your act together.

2️⃣ Align yourself with the market – Plan your trading day, and stick to it!

3️⃣ Measure, review, and improve your performance – The 80:20 of trader development.

Whether you’re new to trading or feel like you’ve lost your way, this 3-part workshop will help you to dial in on the most important steps to help you get your trading performance on track and make this summer count!

Highlights of the Summer Trading Reboot include: –

Live webinars on August 21, 22 and 23, from 1pm ET / 12pm CT, with FuturesTrader71 and our Market Mavens!

⭐ Downloadable checklists and templates to use time and time again.

Unlimited access to ALL of our amazing membership perks: Educational webinars, pro tools & accountability features!

Have questions about the Convergent Trading Community? Drop us a line on our contact page or through the website live chat in the bottom right corner.

“What I like [most about Convergent Trading] is that I’ve got everything I need to grow as a trader at the same place, with both fellow traders that are struggling (or not!) like me on certain issues, and experienced professional traders to help along and share their experience and wisdom.

@pmat73 - Convergent Member

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