“Even when I feel like I’ve given up on myself they don’t give up on me” @John471

In Members in Profile we interview stand-out members that show strong aptitude and work ethic. Our goal is to highlight different folks so that you can see the effort that our members are putting into their trading and hopefully learn from their experiences of the Convergent Trading Community.

We hope you enjoy hearing what @John471 has to say!

What do you like most about Convergent?

It’s hard to say what I like most, I want to just say the community aspect, which encompasses everything.

Trying to make this work alone in your house, well I’ll be honest, I don’t think I could do it. I really think it’s a rare individual that can.

Having a community, you can reach out to for information and support is essential for what we are all trying to do. As well, being here I have been fortunate enough to have been introduced by @NanaimoTrader to @whatstop and @BrianB, my accountability partners. Our group does a good job of keeping everyone in the ‘center of the road’ mentally, so to speak, keeping the process and goals in mind over the day to day ‘tick drama’. Being more specific, the continued education. Just with the webinars, I can honestly say I get more education here in about a week than I did in my entire two week ‘training’ as a prop trader.

How have these aspects helped you grow as a trader?

I’ll put it this way, everything that I know that can actually be taught, I have learned from @FT71’s webinars. In a large part what I have learned here has totally defined the way I trade. I never would have been able to gather all of that information on my own. No way.

As for my group, well, even when I feel like I’ve given up on myself they don’t give up on me. If I trade poorly, they notice, and they speak up. Our chat room is a place where we can vent about whatever’s frustrating us, but also be reminded, in real-time, of what our plan was for the day or even a specific trade.

Do you have a favorite community quote or webinar?

The Mentality of a Big Trader webinar was solid gold. It really spells out a lot of things I’ve seen with my own eyes from traders that are hugely successful. As well, the webinars with Dr. Menaker are filled with wisdom. Filled. If you are a trader that relies on order flow, the VolumeScope webinars with @FT71 and @Tendex are indispensable.

Do you have any advice for new members?

If you’re new to trading and new to Convergent, I would encourage you to watch as many of the webinars as you have time for. I would be sure to really explore the site and all its resources, I’m always surprised how many new people don’t even know about the Market Stats Reports or how to utilize the Downloads for their product. Most importantly though, I would encourage them to reach out to other members, talk shop etc. Use the Accountability Partner Listings to start a dialogue, even if the partnership isn’t right (a lot aren’t) you’ll gain a new contact I would also encourage the idea of an accountability group vs. partner if you find like-minded folks, and if it works out, request a private chat room channel to chat during the day.

What is your favorite non-trading activity/hobby?

Well, pre-pandemic it was Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The people I train and compete with were really my network, and it’s awfully hard to not have that outlet now. Other than that, I do a lot of graphite drawing, usually people or animals. I really like the look of realism in monochromatic, and I find that medium to be one that I take to.

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