“Process, Process, Process” @Ponchosan

In Members in Profile we interview stand-out members that show strong aptitude and work ethic. Our goal is to highlight different folks so that you can see the effort that our members are putting into their trading and hopefully learn from their experiences of the Convergent Trading Community.

We hope you enjoy hearing what @Ponchosan has to say!

What brought you into trading?

After leaving an engineering firm and venturing on my own as an independent consultant, I began dabbling in trading in 2001 while self-managing my retirement account (not the best idea in hindsight).

What do you like most about Convergent?

The true sense of community that has developed and the wealth of resources available.

How have these aspects helped you grow as a trader?

I have benefitted greatly from hearing about other traders’ journeys during the Group Mentoring sessions. Oftentimes, the challenges they are facing are very similar to mine and we all benefit from the wisdom shared by Morad and Joe in their dialogue. With respect to resources, the Head Trader channel is full of real-time, market-generated commentary from successful traders with a genuine interest in serving the community. In addition, as part of my weekend homework, I watch one of 10 Key Webinars in a permanent rotation to keep basic concepts fresh in my mind.

Do you have a favorite community quote or webinar?

Favorite Community Quote: “Caution Shorts!” (This one has saved me a ton of money)

Favorite Webinar: “Setting Process & Goals

Do you have any advice for new members?

Process, Process, Process. Develop a consistent repeatable trade process that focuses on execution and risk management. Resist the temptation to be results/outcome oriented; the game WILL include a fair share of losing trades from which we can gather useable information for the future. 

What is your favorite non-trading activity/hobby?

Hiking and playing frisbee with my wife, Linda, and our dog, Brando, will always be at the top of my list. I have a core group of friends that I’ve been playing basketball and golf with for over 30 years. While I’ve always been a car guy, in the last few years I’ve developed a passion for competitive driving, and I participate in several autocross and time trials series in Southern California. 

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