The Power of R-Factor w/ CT-Jaguar
The Power of R-Factor w/ CT-Jaguar How Losing Battles Can Win the Trading War Picture this. You’re a seasoned general preparing for a series of battles against a formidable foe. You know full well you won’t win them all – the enemy is too...
Special Membership Promo. Save 20% on Your First Quarter!
Special Membership Promo. Save 20% on Your First Quarter! Step up your trading game and get ready for that post-summer boost in market activity by joining the Convergent community and completing our 4-module Trade Right Program. Join by July 31 and Save 20% on your...
Becoming a Great Risk Manager w/ John471
Becoming a Great Risk Manager w/ John471 Becoming a Great Risk Manager If you have been a trader for any length of time, you’ve likely made two critical mistakes: You have probably had a good day, or week, and then projected those results out over a year,...
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